Balance the Bar

Creative Assets Misc

Custom Lottie Animations

Graphics Created

Kartra Landing Page

Created a landing page in Kartra for clients free opt in for job interviews.

Kartra Sales Page Design

Created a video sales page the client could use for Facebook Ads and  test the waters out. This came complete with google analytics and tracking.

Facebook Ads - Masterclass

Created and managed a round of Facebook ads for client.

Male vs Female targeting

Facebook Ads - Job Interview

Created and managed FB ads for clients free opt in that way we could being building list.

Male vs Female targeting

Graphic Design (most creatives done from scratch)

Created most of the graphics seen on page and  ads from scratch.

GTM and Google Analytics

Got the client all situated in both and made sure his trackingw as on point that way attribution for ad spend follows.

Services Provided


Platforms Used

Google Analytics
Facebook Ads

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