Need copy written for ads? No worries we can handle that as well! Always making sure we match the tone and voice of your brand, you'll have full control for a MORE IN-DEPTH LOOK...
Got an existing email list? Did you know you can leverage that to help kickstart Facebook's learning who your key audience is? That's exactly what we'll do big /small doesn't matter. The targeting is the important part and allows more qualified leads to see your content.
A must if you plan on running Facebook ads. This allows you to track and properly distribute conversions to the applicable sources, More importantly it helps Facebook learn who to serve your ads to.
The best unfiltered data you can get about your audiences. This will very shortly become the norm as google phases out the use of cookies and IOS 14 continues to change the ads game. Just doing pixel tracking is not enough anymore!
You need more than just what Facebook is spitting out or you want to track other campaigns from other platforms in one place? That's exactly what we're talking about here. Talk to us about our Facebook Ads That Run Themselves.